Think You’re Smarty Pants? Look Around, Get Smarter!

I work for a really great company and am part of a really great group.  We’re a small group (who has more than doubled in size since I started in October) with a start-up mentality – we work hard, we have fun doing it, and I think we all enjoy being around each other, in and outside of work.  We push, we do many different things in any given day, and we are tireless in our pursuit to do great work.

As a “start-up,” we are creating everything related to our business from the ground-up – staffing, processes, positioning, templates, identity (everything really) – we’re trying to define ourselves as THE place to do awesome work in Dallas, in Texas, and really, in the industry.  We have a lot of work to do, but we are making strides each and every day.  And it’s not just in the form of internal operations, it’s in the form of fantastic work for our clients.

We met as a group today and discussed a few new, important initiatives that will help shape the foundation for what we’re trying to create.  Aside from just being generally excited to roll out initiatives like this, I was struck by collective intelligence and thinking of our group.  At one point, I looked around the room (which was full, by the way – a sight that is rewarding, considering the group was a fraction of the size when I started), and relished in the position I was in – I’m surrounded by smart people.

So, here’s what I would say.  Identify as many smart people around you, friends and/or co-workers, and talk to them.  Build a relationship with them.  Learn from them.  Smart people make smart people smarter.  And as I’ve said, before I yearn to learn.  It’s just amazing how much knowledge is usually right in front of us, in the places and the people we see on a regular basis.  Embrace it.  Learn from them.  Get smarter.

4 thoughts on “Think You’re Smarty Pants? Look Around, Get Smarter!

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention 11th Screen » Think You’re Smarty Pants? Look Around, Get Smarter! --

  2. Jodi

    I know I’m inspired every day by you and the other amazing people we get to work with. FH Texas cannot be stopped!!

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