Tag Archives: Desiderata

My Own Desiderata

For the next 15 days, I’m going to participate in Reverb 10. It’s an open online initiative that encourages participants to reflect on this year and manifest what’s next. It’s an opportunity to retreat and consider the reverberations of your year past, and those that you’d like to create in the year ahead. We’re connected by the belief that sharing our stories has the power to change us.

Today’s Prompt – FUTURE SELF: Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead?

The first thing that popped into my head this morning after reading today’s prompt was Desiderata. It’s a favorite of mine. There are so many things that are right in line with my thinking and beliefs – it just speaks to me. I always find it refreshing when I look back over it periodically, and what I find is that it always grounds my perspective. Do you have something like this that keeps you grounded?

Today’s prompt calls me to write my own version of Desiderata. So, here you go, the advice for myself….


Maintain and grow the relationships you’ve built up over the past year and pay special attention to your long-lasting relationships. Those need just as much nurturing as new relationships, sometimes even more. Know that those who you can call friends are special and not to be taken for granted or advantage of. You are only part of this. Do your job. Nurturing is active. It’s not a passive exercise. And it’s not a standard message & click.

Aim to be kind to all those you come into contact with. For most of those people, you’ll only have that one moment in time to leave your impact on them. Make it a positive one.

Breathe. Before speaking. Collect your thoughts. Stand in your power.

Knowledge is precious. In everything, you have an opportunity to teach or learn. Recognize this and as much as you can, do one or the other.  You are doing a disservice to you and those around you if you do not.

Be gracious.

Slow down. Smell the roses, even when there are no roses to smell. The machine that you’re a part of is a magnificent one and it will keep running if you take a moment to recognize where you are and how you got there. Without looking around, you will not see the beauty in what you’re responsible for. Do not rest, though, because the machine keeps running. And there is always someone else who thinks they can keep it running faster, better, more efficient, and more powerful than you.

Take care of your business always. Commitments are made to be kept. They’re tied to your word. Don’t minimize those words because they’re important. Follow them up with action. Consistent. Persistent. Relentless. This is critical.

The world is a balancing act and your world is no different. Know your limits and boundaries. Your sacrifices have consequences, big and small. You must be OK with them.

Don’t lose sight of your passions or your dreams. Both are unique to you and once they’re gone, it’s almost impossible to get them back. Keep them burning however you need to – write, read, talk, create – this flame cannot go out.

Remember that faith enables real magic to happen. Continue pushing and taking risks and know that you can’t control everything. Sometimes shutting your eyes is all you can do to let everything take its course.

Most of all, do not forget that life is a joy, even though it most often feels like job. Don’t take yourself so seriously. You are a speck. Laugh. Smile. Pay attention to others doing the same.

And know, in your heart, that all will be good.