Tag Archives: RFID

What is the 11th Screen?

So, what is the 11th screen, you ask?  Here’s my simple answer:

In technology terms, we consume and engage with media through different “screens.” 

1st screen = big screen (cinema)

2nd screen = TV

3rd screen = computer

4th screen = mobile phone

5th screen = digital signage

And I would add a 6th screen = everything else. 

This “everything else” bucket is so big and contains so many different types and ways of consuming and engaging with media, I don’t think it’s fair to just call it the 6th Screen.  It could be the 6th, 7th or 8th Screen, really.  In this bucket, everything seems to be changing every day, in large part due to technology and in larger part, due to great, progressive thinking.  Mini turns a standard billboard into a real-life LA Story experience through the use of RFID.  Spore turns a poster into a mobile coupon with QR Codes.  And Microsoft turns tables into deep, social shopping experiences with their multi-touch surface tables.  These are all examples of the types of engagement that have been and continue be created in this bucket.  (We will explore many more.) 

So, I bring you a different, much larger bucket and in the interest of staying ahead of the curve, I will call it the 11th Screen.